President Joko Widodo (center) conveyed speech witnessed (from left) Recruited PT KAI Didiek Hartantyo, Dirut Bank BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu, Dirut PT PP Novel Arsyad, Dirut Perumnas Budi Saddewa Soediro, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir, Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, Presidential Special Affairs of the President of the Cooperation Cooperation of poverty Determination and Resilience of Muhamad Mardiono and Wagub Jabar UU Ruzhanullum on the President of Samgonan Hesta The President appreciates the presence of the residence that carries the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) or an integrated area with public transportation vertex as well as encourages not only built in Jakarta and its surroundings but also in other areas that experience a high level of congestion. ANTARA PHOTO/Packaging Reviyanto/tom.
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