YOGYAKARTA, 18/1 - SAPARAN REBO PUNGKASAN. A number of citizens conduct a sedulur sewu snorkeling ritual (collectively) which is a series of Traditions of Kembul Sewu Sedulur Saparan Rebo Pungkasan, in the Bendung Kayangan, Pendoworejo, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Wednesday (18/1). Tradition drops on the last Wednesday Sapar on the Javanese manicure as a manifestation of the people’s gratitude to God YME who has given prosperity as well as the embodiment of the Mbah Bei Kayangan which is the character of the Majapahit Kingdom who has opened the region into settlement, the areal of the fight and rice. ANTARA/Noveradika/s/ama/12
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