Sesi diskusi panel tematik SSTC HLF MSP 2024

  • 3 September 2024 14:25
Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Arsjad Rasjid (tengah) bersama Menteri Perdagangan dan Industri Rwanda Prudence Sebahizi (kiri) dan Lead Advisor at Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Secretary-General of International Economic Association (IEA) Lili Yan Ing (kanan) saat diskusi sesi Tematik SSTC High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 di Nusa Dua, Bali, Selasa (3/9/2024). Diskusi tersebut mengangkat tema Redoubling Business Actors Participation In the Global Supply Chain. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center IAF II-HLF MSP/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/YU
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03/09/2024 14:25 WIB
Nyoman Hendra Wibowo
Yusran Uccang