Attain Kuasa Joint Operation (JO) implementing the construction of the road toll Solo Kertosono (Soker) China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), PT. Wijaya Karya (WIKA) y PT. Desarrollo de la vivienda (PP)/JO CRBC-PT WIKA-PT PP Tri Atmoko (derecha), caminar hacia el coche resistente al arco que sufre una audiencia avanzada de KPK White Red Building, Yakarta, jueves (3/11/2022). Tri Atmoka, undergoing an advanced hearing listen to witnesses in cases of suspicion associated tax restitutions (returning over excess payment) JO CRBC-PT WIKA-PT PP of Rp13,2 Billing in 2016 to KPP Pare. ANTARA PHOTO/Reno Esnir/hp.
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