(De izquierda) Vicepresidente de la Alta Asamblea Religioso Khonghucu Indonesia (Matakin) Uung Sendana, Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión de Justicia y Paz en la Conferencia de Waligereja de Indonesia (KWI), Romo Studentntoko, Presidente del Campo de Antarumat Kerukunan de la Asamblea Ulama Indonesia Yusnar Joseph, Wasekjen MUI Najamudin Ramsil y Presidente del Departamento de Enseñanza Suubita The religious assembly confirms that LGBT activity is contradict with the principles of religious teaching and rejecting various forms of propaganda, promotions and support of legalization efforts and LGBT development in Indonesia. ANTARA PHOTO/Wahyu Putro A/aww/16.
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