Diskusi panel tematik Connecting the South

  • 3 September 2024 17:40
Diskusi panel tematik Connecting the South
Assistant Chief Executive (Corporate and Strategy)/Chief Risk Officer, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Tan Hoe Soon (kanan) menyampaikan pandangannya bersama CEO of PT Pertamina International Shipping Yoki Firnandi (kiri) dalam sesi diskusi panel tematik SSTC High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 di Nusa Dua, Bali, Selasa (3/9/2024). Sesi diskusi tersebut bertema Connecting the South: Enhancing Logistics Connectivity to Support Trade in Developing Countries. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center IAF II-HLF MSP/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/nym.
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03/09/2024 17:40 WIB
Nyoman Hendra Wibowo
Nyoman Budhiyana