L'ancien Kadiv Propam Polri Irjen Ferdy Sambo (à droite) prépare la salle au marié à la suite de l'audience de la Commission d'éthique du Code Polri (KKEP) à la Division Propam Mabes Polri, Jakarta, vendredi (26/8/2022) jours tôt. The Leadership of KKEP hearing is the Head of Security Intelligence Agency (Kabaintelkam) Polri Komjen Pol Ahmad Dofiri decided that Ferdy Sambo disanction Disanctional Giving Not With Hormat (PTDH) as a member of Polri besides it was also sentenced to pick sanctions by declared as a depressed act and administrative sanction in the form of special placement for 40 days over the case of murder NofriansyHO.
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