- Merci. Des experts de la famille des victimes d'accidents ont été tués par Karunia Bakti bus à Puncak Bogor, vendredi (10/2) résidents de Garut Regency, obtenir santunan de Raharja Services Insurance soumis à Garut Pendopo, Ouest Java, lundi (13/2). The journalists from the family of victims were killed by bus passengers namely the almarhum Dedah (43) the sub-districts of Leles, almarhum Piat (32) residents of Sukawening Subdistrict, almarhum Dadan Suherlan residents of Malangbong District, and the passengers were hit by the bus almarhum Kosim (67) Cilawu Subdistrict citizen, Garput Regency, each of R25 million. FOTOANTARA/Feri Purnama/s/nz/12
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