Perkenalan proyek ASEAN-BAC

  • 4 September 2023 18:35
(dari kiri) Legacy Lead of ASEAN Net Zero Hub and Carbon Centre of Excellence Dharsono Hartono, Legacy Lead of Wiki Entrepreneur Aldi Haryopratomo, Policy Manager for ASEAN-BAC Digital Transformation Working Group Yohanes Lukiman, Legacy Lead of ASEAN QR Code Pandu Sjahrir, Policy Manager for ASEAN-BAC Investment Facilitation Working Group Roderick Purwana, Legacy Lead of Inclusive Closed-Loop Model for Agricultural Products Arif P Rachmat, Legacy Lead of ASEAN One Shot Campaign Michael Rampangilei dan Ketua KADIN yang juga Ketua ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN BAC) Arsjad Rasjid (kanan) menekan tombol secara simbolis saat memperkenalkan proyek ASEAN-BAC Indonesia pada hari kedua ASEAN Business Investment Summit (ABIS) 2023 di Jakarta, Senin (4/9/2023). ANTARA FOTO/MEDIA CENTER KTT ASEAN 2023/M Agung Rajasa/pras.
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04/09/2023 18:35 WIB
M Agung Rajasa
Prasetyo Utomo