Copa Dji Sam Soe Indonesia (CDSSI) 2007
JAKARTA, 3/1 - SALING PUKUL. Persija Players of Jakarta Muhammad Ilham (2rights) interlocked with the players Deltras Sidoarjo Andri Budiarto (2left) after an incident of violation involving Ilham and Claudio Pronetto (left) when the second match of the Great Eight Copa Dji Sam Soe Indonesia (CDSSI) 2007 at Lebak Bulus Stadium, Jakarta, Thursday (3/1). Le Jakarta Persian Kemayoran a réussi à s'échapper au quatrième tour après avoir remporté 2-0 et incroyablement supérieur 3-1. FOTO ANTARA/Andika Wahyu/pd/08.
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