Diskusi panel Innovate to Elevate HLF MSP 2024

  • 3 September 2024 16:10
Deputi Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN Bidang Komunitas dan Korporasi, Sekretariat ASEAN (ASEC) Nararya Sanggramawijaya Soeprapto (kiri) bersama Co-Chair of Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), Deputy Director-General of Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA) Marie Ottoson (kanan) memberi pemaparan saat menjadi pembicara dalam diskusi sesi panel Innovate to Elevate HLF MSP 2024 di Nusa Dua, Bali, Selasa (3/9/2024). Forum sesi diskusi panel High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships tersebut mengangkat tema Innovate to Elevate: Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Promoting Higher Economic Value at the Regional Level. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center IAF II-HLF MSP/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo/YU
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03/09/2024 16:10 WIB
Nyoman Hendra Wibowo
Yusran Uccang