Sesi tematik III Innovative Financing HLF MSP

  • 3 September 2024 17:25
Sesi tematik III Innovative Financing HLF MSP
Komisioner PT Bali Kerthi Development Fund Ventura Ngakan Putu Miharjana (kiri) menyampaikan pendangannya bersama Co-Founder and Chief Executive, Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society Ruth A. Shapiro dalam sesi tematik III Innovative Financing High Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024 di Nusa Dua, Bali, Selasa (3/9/2024). Sesi tersebut bertema G20 Bali Global Blended Finance Alliance (GBFA): A Breakthrough of Multi-Stakeholder Financing for Development. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center IAF II-HLF MSP/Sigid Kurniawan/nym.
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3.66 MB
03/09/2024 17:25 WIB
Sigid Kurniawan
Nyoman Budhiyana