A gimba (gendang) struck the dancers. The occasion of the dance was not the chaos of the arwah’s spirit of his painting (trance). Sangguni (yellow terrace) should soon be inhamed so that the dance rhythm played by women and men remained in the joy corridor welcomes the cleaning of the village to endure prolonged dryness.
Sore, the customary ceremony of the Pumprua was held in Lasoani Village, Palu, Central Sulawesi.

The ceremony has fallen findings was carried out by Kaili tribes - ethnic majority were disclaimed in the Palu valley. The pumpura means returning, getting rid of or self-cleaning and environmental, avocado to the power to all disasters, a disease outbreak, life difficulties and long dryness are avoided.

Men and women dance accompanying the rituals of roh callers

Tetua adat presents a sesajen

The adat ceremony of the pumpura is carried out from one to another village in turn when the East season will turn into the Western season that usually result in long dryness. It has become the belief of local people, all kinds of disasters are caused by human beings and must be cleaned in order not to cause damage. Inflammation, vanity, indifference in nature and the environment as well as various other bad properties are cleaned with the ritual of Pamura.

There is the procession of the custom, it is clearly drawn to the spirit of pride, togetherness and gotong royong. The cost needed for the implementation of this customary ceremony is covered together. Each household comes with ‘built items’ or called Rice-shaped tachys boiled banana leaves, and other food ingredients. Can also be in the form of food ingredients such as rice, sand sugar and coffee or tea, lions, bananas and or others.

For people who have more ability, bring chicken and even goat. There is no obligation to carry this luggage, all depends on the voluntary or the ability of each. Some of these luggage are then served as a salary. The rest is eaten together with custom procession.

A sesagent ingredients are characterized by pre prepared egg peeling

In between the sesajen presented it consists of ketan rice, chicken and eggs

The previous week the procession of the Pumpura was carried out the procession of the lake or asking permission to the ancestor. This process has not involve many people, usually only carried out by the Tolanggara ataU tetua adat, namely by presenting a salary for the ancestors.
Through this customary ritual throughout the citizens of a village of applying to the powerful tuhan, in order to be avoided and protected from a wide variety of disasters and marabahaya, including avoiding villages from long marbles that make the citizens can not match the planting.

Can and photo: Basri Marzuki

The color climbs in bamboo trees where hanging food utuk offerings

The children grayed gimba (gendang) to sieve the dance ritual call spirit

The mother prepares a sesagent for offerings in the customary ceremony of the pump

There are the leaves that have been bred in order to purify the process of the kitchen


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