"I can learn and play with friends at school," says Made Adi Kusuma one of the students who follow nonformal lessons in Sabha Widya Sradha Library, Sumerta Kelod Village, Denpasar, Bali.

The guess of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia resulted in formal education is not normal running, schools applied online learning activities that are considered beneficial to protect educators from the transmission of the virus and prevent the emergence of school clusters.

But on the other hand, the implementation of learning activities online also has a lack that can affect the development of children’s learning. Many parents complain about online learning activities that are assessed less effective due to the limitation of internet access, the reduced interaction with the teacher, the minimnya understanding of the material and the high cost of internet quota. The activity of working parents is also interrupted because it should accompany his child when learning online.

SD students write Balinese aksara on board when nonformal study activities in the village library in Sumerta Kelod Village, Denpasar, Bali.

The number of SD students wash hands before entering the village library room.

Sumerta Kelod Village utilizes a village library that stands since 2016 to build a reading culture helps students learn outside the school environment by providing free wifi facilities as supporting online learning activities during COVID-19.

According to the Village Head of Sumerta Kelod I Gusti Ketut Anom Suardana library was targeted to prevent adolescence so that they were avoided from the influence of negative things when filling time outside school hours.

The village library opened every Monday to Saturday at 09.00 -16.00 WITA provides approximately 600 categories books for primary school students, SMP, SMA/SMK to public readings that are CSR assistance and donations from communities through book banks.

The number of SD students read books available in the village library.

Siswa SD fills time by reading books in the village library.

The school in Denpasar began to open direct learning or face-to-face but not completely like before the pandemi. Students still have more serving time studying at home so that the village library became the place to study them after school.

Nonformal learning activities held in the era of the pandemi in the library involve volunteers from the mahasiwa circle, village apparatus even police to provide guidance and improve the spirit of learning the child.

The visit of students to the village library is currently limited to 10 children by applying health protocols, namely using masks, washing hands and maintaining distances.

Siswa read books available in village library.

Volunteers teach SD students how to write Balinese aksara during nonformal learning activities in village library.

Photo and text : I Nyoman Hendra Wibowo

Author : Fanny Octavianus

Petugas collects the donation book from society before it is adhered to the village library cabinet rack.

Tagota Police provides edukasi budi pekerti to SMK students during nonformal learning activities in village library.

The number of students of SMKN 4 Denpasar read books and study online at the village library page.

Siswa studied online by utilizing free wifi facilities in village library.


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