Who said Indonesia does not have a cool shoe product. Today, the local product geliat is growing rapidly, one of the only sneakers that begin to pop up. Among the local brands there is an Exodos57 name that tells the audience’s attention to unique and characterised designs. In contrast to other sneakers, Exodos57 typed vintage sneakers, which seem like bootsÅrock n roll, but still has a very viscotageÅ feel. The shoes are handmade (handmade) local craftsmen with the material combines leather, weaving, suede, canvas, batik, rubber from domestic. The shoes are sold through the website, social media and stores throughout the city in Indonesia. In addition to domestic markets, Exodos57 also adds to foreigners such as Singapore, South Korea, German, Canada, Malaysia, Holland, Japan, America, Spain to Brazil. The price of this shoe ranges from Rp350 thousand to Rp2.9 million. In 2018, Exodos57 has launched several series of Local Kearifan shoes 1, Local wisdom 2, where some figures such as the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil to President Joko Widodo have purchased Exodos57 shoes and from the sales ofya donated 100 percent to victims of natural disasters in Palu and other areas. In the near future launched the local Kearifan shoe series 3 "Bangkitlah Indonesia".
Exodos57 founder, Gally Rangga, hopes that the products are designed and made it can be recognized in and abroad. With raw materials and production from Indonesia it becomes a proof of local movement that is worth being funded by the nation’s child.
The senada submitted the Minister of Coordinator of Kemaritiman and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan who stated West Java is a shed of creativity in Indonesia because it is always able to create innovative and preferred products of society. Support for local products flowing from the government through the Indonesian National Movement program. Through this program is expected to help get UMKM in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemi and encourage the economic activity of the community to be proud to buy and consume the original products made in Indonesia.
Exodos57’s design and shoes are as close to quality checks in storage warehouses, Bandung, West Java.
The work of serving skin materials before the production of Exodos57 shoes in Bandung, West Java.
Photo and text : M Agung Rajasa
The work of making Exodos57 shoes patterns in Bandung, West Java.
The work of finishing the production of Exodos57 shoes in Bandung, West Java.
The work of finishing seams one part of Exodos57 shoes in Bandung, West Java.
The work carries the top of the shoes when the production of Exodos57 shoes in Bandung, West Java.
The work of finishing orders of Exodos57 shoes online at Gallery and Coffee in Bandung, West Java.
The work examines the quality of production quality and the number of Exodos57 shoes in the storage warehouse, Bandung, West Java.
Calon buyers try the size of shoes at Exodos57 Gallery and Coffee, Bandung, West Java.
Calon buyers sort the size of shoes in Exodos57 Gallery and Coffee in Bandung, West Java.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo