The Holy Quran has been inhabited. The coiled seating line opens the sheet by the Quran sheet. As many divine divine divines over the back. Not long later, a number of other santris rushed in joining.

That’s the story of a afternoon at Pondok Pesantren Nuu Waar Al Fatih Kaffah Nusantara (AFKN), Bunut Village, Tamansari Village, Setu District, Bekasi District. The message is far from the urban bustle of the city was founded in the village of Fadlan Saltan in 2012. Currently Ponpes built 750 santri that 80 per cent came from Papua and has passed 3700 santri since its standing period.

"Nu waar means the country that stores the secret light. Formerly the word Nuu Waar is used the Papuan community to call the largest island at the eastern end of Indonesia, before the consolidation of the name of Irian or Papua", the expression of the birth of Fakfak, West Papua. Fadlan explained historically traces of the spread of Islam in the cendrawasih earth began in the 12th century by the Samudra Pasai Kingdom, far before the Portuguese and Dutch nation climbed his feet in Indonesia.

A number of cengkrama santri in the Pondok Pesantren Nuu Waar Mosque.

The santri people clean themselves before following the khatam Al Quran activities at Pondok Pesantren Nuu Waar.

Continuing the predecessor syiar trail, the fadlan intestinals set up this message so that the generation of successors from eastern Indonesia who was built in science, faith, and Al Quran in his soul as a silhouette to build their hometown later. In addition to teaching religious science, Nuu Waar’s messagetren also educates the insight of nationality.

"The Islamic akidah was planted, but the Indonesian ruh was also given," he said.

The Nuu Waar’s message is managed without a charge of a tribunal to its santri. Religious education activities and formil education takes place from SD to SMA schools, while for the university of ponpes accommodates through cooperation with educational and university institutions.

The number of Santri reads Al Quran in the Pesantren Nuu Waar Mosque.

The number of santris are fallen by following the khatam Al Quran activities in the Pondok Pesantren Nuu Waar.

Especially in the month of ramadhan this year’s messagetren focuses on khatam Al Quran activities as much as 4000 times to santri. "One day at least every ten juz regulating santri.

Nuu Waar teaches santri about independence, forming mental and tolerance and hospitality with the environment. Creating santri to know Islam as a grace for the universe.

Photo and Text : Indrianto Eko Suwarso

The number of coreants at the door of the Pondokorange Peltren Nuu Waar.

Editor : Prasetyo Utomo


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