For the community around the island of Intatatata, a velvet island in the northern end of the Talaud Islands, the traditional customary ceremony captures fish traditionally or ‘Mene'e’ has been a highly anticipated annual agenda. The ceremony has been implemented since the 16th century fell down-green in Intatatata Island, a uninhabited island adjacent to the Kakorotan island one of the islands in small island clusters in North Sulawesi bordering the territory of the Philippines.
Mane'e is a custom ceremony captures fish in traditional ways, with simple equipment without equipment that can damage the environment, not only that all fixtures will be used in the process of Mane`e is read certain prayers first.
The schedule of citizens at the hutong royong makes the rope and dililit the length of the bias reaches three kilometers that will then be stretched by about two hundred selected citizens.
This dililite trough is then pulled the boat surrounds a coastal basin, the appointed men then drives the lily of the janur and slowly pushes to the coast. Subjects such as long meshes that dribble fish to be able to catch hands by thousands of people.
This condition is carried only in May or June, at the moment of the highest install and the lowest massage reached its peak, the mark was ended the Eha period (the banquet time to take sea results for a year).
Comfortable spirits and traditions keep the harmony of the nature and inspire locals to continue continuing eha tradition and Mane’e every year. It is believed to cause mutually beneficial relationship between humans and nature. When humans keep nature, then nature will give the part for humans.
Teks & Photos : Fiqman Sunandar