Every Sunday in the morning is usually small bocahs gather and play together at home or environmental field where they live. But not for Bayu and other bocah who chooses to sharpen the ability to tell.

It is not a habit for a little child in general telling while playing skin puppets.Yes, not telling things, they practice to become a dalang.

This Bocah-bocah with a sorry learns about the skin’s swords and footwear in Sanggar Nirmalasari, Cinere, Depok, West Java. The feeling of the wayang character, gamelan and emerging became the main foundation for them later achieves the skills of the wiraga (commotional events), the wirama (the movement follows the harmonious rhythm) and the wirasa (depressed lighting in the wayang motion).

Four children learn to cross the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The child learns the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

So it can be a hawker that is able to carry the imagination of the audience in his arrangement, so Ki Asman Budi Prayitno assassembling the sanggar set a briefly on the pedal.

The Ki Asman Budi Prayitno established the sanggar on 1 June 1987 as its dedication form for the existence and preservation of skin puppets and focused on the training to children age five to 12 years to learn the basis of the pedal science.

Bayu Ananta, a five-class student of Kelapa Dua 06 Morning tells itself is delighted with skin puppet since the age of three years. Bayu began to study at Sanggar Nirmalasari since five years of age and has been quite proficient to reach the pentas in a number of cities. "Cita-citaku wants to become a Dalang," said Bayu.

The child learns suluk (opening beetle) when practicing the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

Ki Asman Budi Prayitno tells the history of the wayang cultivation of the purwa in residence that is also used as Sanggar Nirmalasari to educate the prospective dash of the cilik.

The teaching process of pedal science is not easy, but all it is paid with many achievements achieved from educational results in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The wayang is not just art and culture. Wayang is a world-recognized Indonesian art for its uniqueness. UNESCO on November 7, 2003 has also obeyed the wayang as Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity or the world’s unvalued masterpiece heritage in Indonesia’s original art.

The preservation and estafet the master of the fair pedal science is very important and it is worth being preserved so that the wayang as the world's heritage continues to conserve the lestari and the nation's prisoners are not squared by the rapid change of the hours and grind.

One child learns suluk (opening beetle) while practicing the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The child learns Javanese buds while practicing the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

Photo and Text: Paramayuda

The number of children learn to cross the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The number of children learn to cross the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The child learns the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The child learns the skin wayang in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

The training dayang wayang skin for children in Sanggar Nirmalasari.

Editor: Widodo


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