Since 2011 until today, human conflicts with wild elephants still continue to occur in the Aceh Provincial Bener Regency, not a small amount of plantation plants, living places that were tampered by the continual animal, even citizens made a sign with a variety of strands of words as a sign of the conflict of animals still last.

The wild elephants in the highlands of Gayo are not only observing the abrik of plants in the garden of the citizens, the large-bad animal crater also spoils the plants in the village of the Primary School located on the suburbs of the national streets of Bireuen - Takengon.

Based on the data of the Natural Resources Conservation Hall (BKSDA) Aceh since the last five years the conflict of wild elephants entering the settlement and damaging the plantations of citizens experiencing an increase not only in the Bener Meriah regency district, but the obsession of protected animals also occurs in some other areas such as Pidie, North Aceh, East Aceh and Aceh Jaya Regency.

Seekor sumatra elephants in the suburbs of Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh.

Petugas Conservation Response Unit (CRU) DAS Peusangan and personnel Polres Bener Meriah sees the plantation plants that were broken wild sumatra elephants in the village of the State Between, Bener Meriah, Aceh.

In 2015 there were 39 conflicts, in 2016 increased to 44 times. The number increases to 103 cases in 2017 and decreases in 2018 to 73 cases, but it returns to increase in 2019 and 2020 with a record of 107 cases.

“The effort of conflict suspension by conducting patrols and dribbles of wild elephants with a benign elephant even moving it to a remote location of the settlement of the population also continues to do,” the word Coordinator of Conservation Response Unit (CRU) DAS Substance of Bener Meriah Syahrol Rizal Regency. Â

CRU DAS Peusangan is assisted by the Elephant Training Center (PLG) Saree always exerts four elephant tails trained to dribble wild elephants that regularly paint the settlement of residents every year. Â

The charm of elephant sumatra (Elephas maximus sumatranus) is in the plantations of citizens in the village of the State, the District of the Rime Door, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh.

Petugas Conservation Response Unit (CRU) DAS Peangan, seeing the wild man in Aceh.

According to him, BKSDA Aceh through CRU along the District Government formed and lowers the team of warranties every time the wild elephant smuling 40 more tails entering settlements and damaging plantation plants and pursue farmers.

Improved elephant conflict that still continues until mid 2021 worrying will impact the preservation and shrink the habitat of rare and protected animals. Â

Text and Photos : Irwansyah Son

Warga crosses on the side of the panflet made to increase alertness in the prone of elephant conflicts in Blang Rakal Village, Bener Meriah.

The work of elephant conflicts from the Conservation Hall of Natural Resources (BKSDA) Aceh carried out patrols using bener Meriah elephants.

Author : Fanny Octavianus

The work of the elephant conflict of the Natural Resources Conservation Hall (BKSDA) Aceh carried out patrols using benign elephants.

DokSeeter animal Natural Resources Conservation Hall (BKSDA) Aceh assisted by pawang (mahout) provides treatment on benign elephants that experience wounds due to attacked wild elephant rocks in the Gajah Training Center (PLG) Saree, Aceh.

Tim Balai Conservation of Natural Resources (BKSDA) Aceh with citizens burned mercons when performing execution and moving wild elephants to other locations (translocation) at the Meriah Bener, Aceh.

The fight from the Nature Resources Conservation Hall team (BKSDA) was arrested by Aceh.


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