The Navy TNI has one of the important functions, namely law enforcement and security in the NKRI waters. Therefore, the prescribed matra Jalesveva Jayamahe (Justru on the Sea of We Win) must ensure the Indonesian sea is free from threats such as violations of the region, pumping, illegal fishing, civil object sabotage as well as freight and people's slaughter, which can interfere with state sovereignty and cause economic losses.

The KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331 war vessel under the operation of Komandan Guspurla Koarmada III Laksamana First TNI Retiono Kunto implements Indonesia border watering operations in August 2021.

The "sigma frigate" war vessel has a check task against the suspected ship, namely VBSS (visit, board, search and seizure) under the command of the commander ship. Each KRI is ideally the least seven VBSS personnel.

A number of members of the VBSS team practice physical over KRI RE Martadinata.

The number of members of the VBSS Team is preparing for the tactical exercise above KRI RE Martadinata.

KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331 is housed by Marine Colonel (P) Rasyid Al Hafiz has three VBSS teams. During shipping, team members continue to practice to improve the ability, compactness and alertness. Although the task of VBSS prioritizes a peaceful approach, each member must be prepared to face dangerous conditions.

Therefore, they must have a physical fit and the ability to move quickly like special troops. In addition, they are also armed and trained tactical abilities.

So when needed, VBSS team plays a role in filtration and distributing all threats detected from the suspected ship.

Tim VBSS practice the tactic of formation above KRI RE Martadinata.

The number of members of the VBSS team practiced the gagging at KRI RE Martadinata.

Photo & Text: FB Anggoro

The number of members of the VBSS team practiced with weapons above KRI KRE Martadinata.

The member of the VBSS KRI RE Martadinata team examined its fixture before the exercise when the operations in the Sea of Arafuru.

The number of members of the VBSS team practices insting shoots with an empty hand above KRI RE Martadinata.

Anggota Team VBSS practiced above KRI RE Martadinata.

Commandan Team VBSS KRI RE Martadinata Lettu Damartama practiced with a gun.

The number of members of the VBSS Team are each other handful as a symbol of confusion when KRI RE Martadinata operations in the Arafuru Sea.

Komandan Guspurla Koarmada III Laksamana First TNI Retiono Kunto checked the readiness of the VBSS Team above KRI RE Martadinata.

The number of members of the VBSS team practices infiltration above KRI RE Martadinata.

Editor: Widodo


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