Attention.... Kopaska main visit!! The call sounds clear from loudspeakers. Two soldiers Komando Force Katak (Kopaska) TNI AL is the Supreme Wicaksana Yogananta and KLS Antok Ariswanto also began to prepare a rejuvenation from the main visit. Soundshooting back singing: LSBA Role..LSBA Role!!!

Then the special soldiers of the Navy TNI with the Green frog mascot Fly has been preparing to control around the KRI part of the Holy Bima.

The presence of special troops is important to secure the cruise of the Holy Bima KRI as a white ship that also carries the candidates of the Navy officers. They sail in the diplomacy mission combined in the Kartika Jala Krida Police (KJK).

Bulletproof vest belongs to the soldiers of TNI AL in the Holy Bima KRI, Torres Strait Irrigation.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL is guarded when performing the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Solomon Strait.

The Lawan of the Underwater Sabotase (LSBA) itself is carried out to secure the disorder or attack of the outside parties who want to infiltrate the Holy Bima KRI through the underwater. The Kopaska efficacy is dive to see the underwater conditions to check as well as neutralize if there is a suspicious object that can harm the safety of the kru and the KRI of the Holy Bima.

The role of LSBA was carried out by special troops of Tan Hana Wighna Tan Sirna was when crossing in the waters of the Torres Strait, Papua Nugini and Solomon Strait. It is because the region is indicated a lot of souvenirs that often move the peti boat or fishing boat that crosses. The independence of the Holy KRI Bima crew supported by the safety of the Kopaska soldiers is always trained to the cruise and diplomacy mission is achieved well.

Photo & Text: Muhammad Adimaja

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL is guarded when performing the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Solomon Strait.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL is guarded when performing the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Solomon Strait.

The Holy Milky Way crosses in the Ambalat waters, Sebatik, Nunukan, North Kalimantan.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL cleans its own rifle when it will do the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Port Moresby Port, Papua Nugini.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL included a bullet sleeve when it will do the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Port Moresby Port, Papua Nugini.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL brought his own rifle when it would do the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Port Moresby Port, Papua Nugini.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL is guarded when the role of the Lawan Sabotase Underwater (LSBA) role in the Holy Bima KRI, Port Moresby Port, Papua Nugini.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL guarded when the Lawan Sabotase of Underwater (LSBA) in the Holy Bima KRI, Port Moresby Port, Papua Nugini.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL dive in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL conducts dive to check some parts of the Holy Milk KRI machine in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

Prajurit Kopaska TNI AL conducts dive to check some parts of the Holy Milk KRI machine in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

Editor : Danika Wahyu


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