Sixty years ago or precisely 30 September - 8 October 1961, National Sports Week (PON) V was held in Bandung, West Java. PON V followed 23 provinces that cool nine sports branches. This moment is the debut of West Irian (kini West Papua-Papua) matched in PON. The place, the contingent of Western Irian was strengthened 58 athletes, the smallest amount of the whole matched province.
More than half centuries later, Papua is trusted to host PON XX 2021. PON that was supposed to be held in 2020, must be back a year because of the COVID-19 pandemi. A total of 7.066 athletes from 34 provinces following this event. They matched in 37 sports branches spread across four clusters, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika and Merauke.
A number of Papuan PON supporting infrastructure is built. Some are the venues with international standards, namely the Aquatic and Istora Papua Bangkit, Cricket, Hoki (Indoor and Outdoor), Shoe Wheel, Dayung and Panahan.
The fireworks of Papuan PON Openings in the Red Bridge of Youtefa Bay, Jayapura City, Papua.
Warga brings custom dance welcomes PON fire in Dermaga Kalkhote, Sentani Lake, Jayapura Regency, Papua.
Papuans welcomed him with joy, full of hospitality and brotherhood to the guests who came as brothers. Euphoria PON gema across Papuans. The community boasts the races to witness the struggle of the heroes of the region. Even some of them there are nekat climbing trees, roofing houses, only to be able to watch matches.
Papua has shown that it is able to hold national level events safely, smooth and successful in achievements as well as a good host.
"I want to remember that PON is not just a sports competition solely. But PON is our premises together to celebrate diversity, thicken the spirit of our brothers as nation and arena strengthens unity and
Warga photographed with the background of the PON Papuan farming in the Timika Old Market, Mimika Regency, Papua.
The poultry conducts the spraying of disinfectants in the final match of the PON Papua Futsal in Gor SP 2 Mimika Regency, Papua.
unity," said President Jokowi when leading a limited meeting regarding the preparation of the PON Papua organizer.
Photo and text : Papua PON Peliput Team
Warga queues to watch the game Basket Putra 5x5 PON XX Papua in Gor Mimika Sport Complex, Papua.
The number of audiences sit by keeping the distance when witnessing the match of the Papuan PON climbing round in the Yauware Eme Neme Building, Mimika Regency, Papua.
Penonton carries the attribute when witnessing the final match of the Papuan PON Football in Mandala Stadium, Jayapura City, Papua.
Warga witnesses the final match of the Papuan PON Football in Mandala Stadium, Jayapura City, Papua.
Warga sees the outside of the wall when queues in the match of the sports branches of Futsal PON XX Papua in Gor SP 2, Mimika Regency.
Warga witnesses the semifinal match of the PON Papuadi Stadium Katalpal, Merauke Regency, Papua.
Warga watched from the home roof in the half of the Papuan PON Football Championship at Barnabas Stadium Youwe, Sentani, Papua.
Warga witnesses the semifinal canoeing round 1000 meters PON Papua from the top of the boat in the Gulf of Youtefa, Papua.
Warga witnessed the race of the cross PON Papua motor in the Miring Ground Motor Hall Arena, Merauke Regency, Papua.
The audience gives support when watching the game Basket Putra 5x5 PON XX Papua in Gor Mimika Sport Complex, Papua.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo