When conventional services are less adequate, the breakthroughs are sometimes unique to become the choice of officers to facilitate the service to residents especially in the center of the COVID-19 pandemi situation as today.

This is the UPTD Financial Management Agency of Aceh Region V Lhokseumawe. They launched a Sijempol motorcycle that is a means of tax payment management in place with electronic Samsat system (e-Samsat) for two wheel vehicle owners and four wheels.

The act of picking the Sijempol ball by traveling to a number of places such as settlements of citizens in the village and the shopping mall besides to facilitate the citizens paying the vehicle tax also aims to increase the awareness of the public paying taxes on time.

Sijempol’s motorcycle riders to pick up the payment of the local vehicle taxes online at Panggoi Village, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Petugas checked the STNK documents belonging to the citizens who will pay the vehicle tax online through the Sijempol motorcycle in Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

"Sijempol Motorbike is a staff vehicle equipped with tax nota print facilities in the field when picking taxes to society. In Aceh there are two Samsat offices that already have Sijempol, West Aceh and the city of Lhokseumawe" said Head of UPTD Financial Management Agency of Aceh region V Lhokseumawe Chaidir.

The e-Samsat application of the Aceh Financial Management Agency recorded in January to September 28, 2021, from the total number of vehicles both two wheels and four wheels as 124.947 units, only 32 percent or 40.920 thousand units paying taxes. It means there is still 84.027 units of vehicle or 67,3 percent which is tax payment.

Therefore the presence of Sijempol is expected in addition to simplifying the community paying taxes can also increase the tax income stamp of the vehicle that automatically reduces the number of vehicles taxing in Aceh.

Petugas received the tax payment money of the motor vehicle through Sijempol in the Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Petugas prints Proof of Civilization by Aceh Blangjempol.

Photo and Text : Rahmad

Warga antre to make vehicle tax payment through Sijempol motorcycle in Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Petugas serves citizens who will make vehicle tax payment through Sijempol motorcycle in Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Petugas serves citizens who will make vehicle tax payment through Sijempol motorcycle in Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

Editor: Danika Wahyu


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