The smokehouse that houses a number of regions in Sumatra and Kalimantan has been repeated every year so that it has been unfamiliar in the Indonesian ears. The community must wear a mask to be active because the air quality is at the level of danger that can interfere with their health.

Every year Indonesia has always been disbursed with hazes allegedly from land and forest combustion. The event affects economic, environmental, health and educational losses. Based on the data of the National Agency of Disaster Management (BNPB) losses are excluded by more than Rp 20 trillion.

A variety of public elements from TNI, Polri and Manggala Agni coordinated with BNPB struggled without tired to extinguish the land fire that has reached 58 thousand hectares in Sumatra Island.

The officer of Manggala Agni and TNI held the remaining fires that burn oil palm plantations in the Aur River, Muaro Jambi.

TNI poultry extinguishs the remaining fires that burn peatlands on Petaling, Muaro Jambi.

Ministry of Environment and Forestry targeted as many as 276 companies in Kalimantan and Sumatra because it was indicated to conduct land burning.

Not only an outlining, but all parties must focus in the efforts of fire prevention as it will be repeated like previous years. The concession company and society must realize the danger of land and forest fires, improve the impact of haze hazards as well as the provision of refining to the community to anticipate since early land and forest fires in order to be able to be achieved immediately.

Photo and Text : Wahyu Putro A

The prohibition of the banquet by the Sipil State Supervisory (PPNS) Ministry of Forestry was installed in the land that was allegedly burned in Peat Jaya, Muaro Jambi.

The poultry of Manggala Agni rolls the hose of the incorporation of the remaining fires that burn peat land on Petaling, Muaro Jambi.

The number of students carry out the salat minta rain (Istisqa) in SMPN 7 Jambi.

The person of the crossing service officers crossing the Pedestarian River Pedestarian Bridge in Jambi.

The people of Randi students (11) bring basin containing salt water in SDN 26 Legok, Jambi.

The people’s forest area is burning in the Aur River, Muaro Jambi.

The cratulations dance is covered with masks in Jambi.


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