Never imagine how it is difficult to get clean water in the long dry season as now, citizens should be voluntary walking to one kilometers following the river’s already dries under the sun to the water source in the well holes digging on the river.

The scenery is a lot in several areas that are often dilanda of drought including those experienced by Cibarusah Subdistricts, Bekasi District, West Java that has been dilanded for the past seven months. The impact of the prolonged dry season is forced every day they utilize water from the water resapan water hole as it is made alone by residents in two meters for bath and wash even for drinking water.

The silih turns walking while raising the river base Cipamingkis and rivers around which dries when taking water from artificial wells and then-lalang vehicles carry a water trap has become a regular view done every morning and afternoon.

According to the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Bekasi District, recorded the Cibarusah region experienced the most severe drought and BPBD states the status of dry emergency staircases for the local region for six months to be calculated since July 2015.

Hamparan area of rice fields in the region has no longer seen green, the irrigation channel also dries the result of rice belongs to citizens experiencing puso as well as other plantations do not dissolve from dryness. Many forests of jati plant are insufficient so that they match the plant in this season the taste is not appropriate to do the locals, it has repeatedly done but does not break the results. Clean water assistance has been done in the region but only can help temporarily.

Take a wait for the end of the long dry season and continue to expect the help of clean water supply, residents now only hope that the water sources of the wells diged by citizens how much results are obtained.

Photo and Text: Risky Andrianto


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