It is not easy for members in the TNI AL teachings to get the trust of the "Sea Guardian", for the TNI-AL rulers, moreover women. They must undergo a tight selection during months with other members, to then be trusted solo or holding aircraft control independently. As a story called the Sea Letda (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani from Skuadron 800 Wing Air 2, Surabaya, East Java. She tells when getting a task to follow the selection of Marine Transportation aviation education.

Initially, the graduates of the Navy Academy (AAL) the force of 63 Years of 2018 it also does not deny that himself became one of several women in the selected TNI AL became a ruler. Since the beginning of the AL academies were placed in the KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai (332) ships, the type of Rudal (PKR)-2 Peruvian vessels who are responsible for maintaining the warriors in a ship mission.

Two years become a large family KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Arum, his familiar call, get a duty letter or command (ST) a new placement at the Navy TNI Hospital (RSAL) Sidoarjo. A few days, back getting ST to follow the selection of the penerbang. Since holding the principles that have been planted since following education in AAL that women and men have the same opportunity, then he walked the command.

Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani (left) with his colleagues entered Pupenerbal, Sidoarjo, East Java.

Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani (left) along Letda Laut (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun (second left) and Letda Laut (P/W) Andi Quita Wetuffahati (right Quidua) as well as the Ocean Letda (P/W) Virnanda Steffy Aulia (right) conducts reports in Pupenerbal, Sidoarjo

By holding a strong principle that the female and male position is equal in terms of ability and work, Arum began to pick the results of the toughness.

Arum is now already pocketing 200 hours of flying and has become part of the large family of reliable Sea Rajawali, especially for the type of Piper aircraft 28181 and Bonanza G36. The same also experienced by the three colleagues of the Sea Letda (P/W) Andi Quita Wetuffahati, the Ocean Letda (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun and the Sea Letda (P/W) Virnanda Steffy Aulia At that time, they follow the selection with 35 ALNI soldiers who got the same command, and received only nine and they were four of which passed the selection of the heroines.

Antusiasm in the aviation world for women is also quite high, but it is not easy to point Kartini today to be part of the large family of the Kingwali Sea, because TNI AL needs to make a fairly strict selection.

Letda Laut (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun wears penerbang when training in Skuadron 200 Wings Air 2, Java (P/W)

Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani (right) along the Ocean Letda (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun and the Sea Letda (P/W) Nurida Yuliana Wati (left triangle) check the condition of the Baron G-58 aircraft before the exercise in the Shelter Skuadron 200 Wing Air 2, Pupenerbal, Sidoarjo

Gender is not a difference that results in splitting, here are men and women joined to become one and has the same ability in the task in Puspenerbal to keep the archipelago.

Photo and text : Zabur Karu

Sea Puetda (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani with the Ocean Letda (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun, Letda Laut (Phatida)

Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani (left) and Letda Laut (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun (right) is in the aircraft cockpit Baron G-58 when training in Shelter Skuadron 200 Wing Air 2, Pupenerbal, Sidoarjo, East Java.

Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani is in the cockpit Aircraft Baron G-58 in Shelter Skuadron 200 Wing Air 2, Pupenerbal, Sidoarjo, East Java.

(from left) Letda Laut (S/W) Catur Arum Nuryani, Letda Laut (P/W) Andi Quita Wetuffahati, Letda Laut (P/W) Nurida Yuliana Wati, Letda Laut (P/W) Mia Khuzaimah Hanun and Letda Laut (Pjo) with the Javanese background.

Editor : Prasetyo Utomo


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