Starting from the concerns of Ustaz Abu Kahfi’s concerns against budding students who are often left behind in religious lessons, he then initiated a special message of buds with the aim to help them learn and review Al Quran using the gesture language.

Wetaz Abu Kahfi then set up a special tahfiz house of the shoots named Darul A'shom whose meaning of the house of the tuli in Bantul in 2019. Then in 2021 the tahfiz house moved to Condongcatur, Sleman, Yogyakarta and currently occupy five separate contract houses as well as two wakaf homes inhabited 121 sons and girls from various regions.

Keedulian Ustaz Abu Kahfi against the buds appeared fifteen years ago while still living in Bandung and opened the serving for the budding. Since then Ustaz Abu was increasingly moved to learn the gesture and deepen his science by learning to Medina, Saudi Arabia.

A number of coconuts implement Friday salat at Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom Muhammad Kahfi (left) along the santri cleaned the Booktren Darul A'shom floor, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

According to Ustaz Abu Kahfi every human has the right to study his religion, including disabilities. In Islam, for the disabilities of netra learns religion can be easier because there is Al Quran with Braille letter. However, specifically for the buds of a higher difficulty rate because they can’t hear and difficulty in speaking so that the only language intermediary can be used is through the gesture.

Wetaz Abu Kahfi admits when teaching children shoots is not easy and for it is a challenge how to educate them.

In addition to religious learning, the Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom santri also gained formal lesson education such as mathematics, natural sciences, and various other skills.

Santri wudu before following the activities of reading Al Quran at Pondok Pesantren Darul Ashom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

The number of santri carried out prayers at Pondok Pesantren Darul Ashom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Until now the manager of the Darul A'shom Pesantren Regency does not open donations openly, but they still receive all forms of help. During this variety of assistance for the needs of santris in the form of uniforms, tables, and logistics have been accepted by Ponpes Darul A'shom from private parties and government institutions serving groups.

Photo and text : Hendra Nurdiyansyah

The Quran belongs to santri at the Pesantren Darul Ashom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom Muhammad Kahfi provides an explanation to santri at the Pesantren Darul Ashom, Sleman, in Yogyakarta.

Santri read Al Quran using a gesture in Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Santri read Al Quran using a gesture in Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Santri read Al Quran using a gesture in Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Santri read Al Quran using a gesture in Pondok Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Santri organizes the bow table following the reading class of Al Quran at the Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Santri antre takes consumption for lunch at Pondok Pesantren Darul Ashom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

The Founder of the Pesantren Darul Ashom Ustadz Abu Kahfi photographed with santri at the Pesantren Darul A'shom, Sleman, IN Yogyakarta.

Editor : R Rekotomo


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