The cold air of the mountains still feels penetrated to the bones even below the sun. A number of almarhum Bura relatives gather near the household shaped family grave (Patane). They come to clean Patane located in Lembang (village) Batu Ampang, Rinding Allo District, North Toraja District, South Sulawesi. They do a great family deliberation before starting the ritual of Maâ€TMnenene. A tradition of animism that is still preserved by the Toraja community to date.
The death of a relative involves many complex ceremonial steps for the Toraja community. One of the only rituals of Manene which is an advanced of the rituals of Rambu Solo. Jenazah was preserved through the process of nursing using traditional herbs in today’s modern times, is prone to formalin fluid into the body of the jenazah. Then the jenazah was kept in Patane or buried in the rock graves that were advised (Liang) after the ceremony of Rambu Solo completed.
One of the preserved saturations issued from Patane. A number of families and relatives are mutually experiencing and lowering jenazah coffin from Liang. Jenazah-jenazah is then sunbed and cleaned. Family prepares almarhum favorite clothing during his life, also several sheets of wrapping fabric or blankets to wrap the crushed or wiped grain. Carefully, relatives clean the jenazah by using the brush then replace the clothes of the jenazah and dandaninya before put again into the crate and insemayamkan Patane or Liang.
The appearance of the Lembang in Manene rituals in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja District, South Sulawesi.
The number of relatives lowers his family when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
A variety of ways to do society to respect their ancestors. As the Toraja’s slash. The festive living in the mountain area carried out the ritual of Manene as the expression of affection and love and respect to their ancestors. Sealed every three years in August or September after the term harvest.
Although some of the same religion has evolved in the area, especially Christian religions that were adhered by the majority of Toraja’s masracites, but the rituals of animism carried out under the findings are still preserved and cultivated by the Toraja’s society. This is what makes Toraja one of the areas of ritual attractions and traditions in South Sulawesi so tourists from the country and tourists manca voluntary country takes time to witness and capture sakral rituals “from the ancestors for the ancestorsâ€.
Photo and Text : Arnas Padda
Kerabat captures the process of replacing his family’s jenazah clothing when ritual Manene at Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja District, South Sulawesi.
Kerabat cleans his family when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
Kerabat cleans his family when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
The number of relatives do the process of replacing his family’s jenazah clothing when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
Kerabat embraced his family when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
Kerabat raised his family jenazah who has replaced her clothes when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
Kerabat wears jewelry to his family when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
The number of relatives do the process of replacing his family’s jenazah clothing when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
The number of relatives do the process of replacing his family’s jenazah clothing when ritual Manene in Lembang Ampang Batu, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
The number of relatives do enter the jenazah to Liang when ritual Manene in Batu Ampang, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi.
Editor : Yusran Uccang