The wooden boat leans in a ‘cold storage’ building ruins on the coast of the Daruba city which is the city of the Morotai Island district. The hull of the boat is painted the name of the Pacific Star.
Yes, Morotai is one of the most populated islands in the North Maluku province with an area of ??2,476 km square that is the arch window overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The waters of the island are the migration lines of the buds from the Pacific to the sea in the nusantara and vice versa.
With all the potentials of Morotai’s marine is being a Mega Minapolitan area. Minapolitan itself is a concept that was passed five years ago, when the Minister of Marine and Fishery was still accompanied by Fadel Mohammad.
Boat lean next to the building ruins 'cold storage' in Daruba, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
The atmosphere in the fishermen of the village of Usbar Beach, West Southern Morotai, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
But Morotai is now far from what it is expected to be realized. Although the development of infrastructure in the ground has started to be felt by citizens, but it was precisely on the coast which is the concept base of Minapolitan itself, the infrastructure of fisheries has not been built.
A number of 'cold storage' which is a fish storage facility is actually not used again even only to be a ruin.
Nelayan shoots on the east coast of Morotai average sells directly its catch on fish entrepreneurship ships from Bitung. Another small amount is processed into a fillet that is then sent to Bitung, North Sulawesi.
Nelayan dismantling his tuna fish in the village dock Daeo, Morotai Timur, Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku.
Abdul Rahman origin Tobelo showed the cakalang fish purchased from Morotai fishermen on Kolorai island, Morotai Island district, North Maluku.
If only fish and export processing can be done directly from Morotai, it may be a fisherman can expect a higher selling price from its catch.
Cross fish is also shipped out the island. While Roa’s fish of Wayabula’s sub-districts are processed by the preparation before sale to Manado as a Roa sambal material.
Based on the data of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2012, Morotai Island district has 160 types of fish that are economical and 31 types of commercial fish.
The work of cutting tuna fish in the processing of tuna fish fillet in Daeo village, Eastern Morotai, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
Nelayan checked nets in Wanabuya village, West South Morotai, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
The potential for fisheries estimated at 148.473,8 tons per year with the amount of lestari potential that can be utilized by 81.660,6 tons per year.
As for the marine cultivation sector, coastal and marine archipelago of Morotai can be used as a place for the development of marbles, lobsters, seaweed and pearls.
Meanwhile, the potential of production of tuna fish in the waters of Morotai Island is estimated to reach 60 thousand tons per year but it is utilized for this is still under 10 thousand tons per year, it is mostly enjoyed Morotai’s outer fishermen, such as North Sulawesi also fishermen from neighboring countries.
The group of fishermen feeds the kerapu fish in the keramba in the waters of the Kolorai island, Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku.
Mochtar shows julung or roa fish that have been swollen and ready for sale in the village of Wanabuya, Western South Morotai, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
Good news, Jokowi-JK government is now committed in Maritime development. Morotai Island has been set as a Special Economic Area that will support fishing sector.
It is expected to be more investors for the processing and distribution of Morotai sea yields and can lift the life of the majority of fishermen to the expected level. Become a star on the Pacific edge.
Photo and Text: Fanny Octavianus
The color of processing catch fish to be cooked in an event of death in Daeo village, Morotai Timur, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
Color brings home fish purchased from fishermen on the island of Kolorai, Morotai Island District, North Maluku.
A logo of dying fish on the entrance of the building’s ruling ‘cold storage’ at Daruba, Morotai Island, North Maluku.
The nelayan boating near 'cold storage' which is no longer used in the village of Tilei Beach, West South Morotai, Morotai Island, North Maluku.