Once in a year, Tionghoa ethnic who are Tri Dharma (Buddha, Konghucu, dan Tao) follower held a celebration to commemorate a day that is believed to be the day when the Earth God was born. Sejiet Khongco Hok tek Tjeng Si, the name of the celebration, is takes place on the second day of the second month based on lunar calendar.<br />
In 2009 or 2560 in lunar calendar, Tionghoa ethnic in Tangerang, Banten, held Sejiet Khongco Hok tek Tjeng Si in conjunction with the 320th anniversary of Vihara Nimmala. The celebration is delivered in the form of festival, Festival of Tionghoa Ethnic. The festival was coloured with many Chinese culture, such as Barongsai (lion dance), Liong (dragon dance), kung fu show, dance (ngibing) competition and traditional kebaya show by the elders, and bazaar on 24th to 26th of February.<br />
Thousands of Tionghoa breed and native melt in the joy of festival. Smile, funny look, and laugh were filling the festival as the Barongsai start to perform and the elders begun to compete in dancing. Their old body moves here and there try to be the most beautiful, while their toothless mouths bloom in smile. Some of the viewers even stood in amazement when some kids show their talent in kung fu.<br />
On the 25th of February, Wednesday, all of the Tri Dharma devotees gathered to hold a homage and prayer to Earth God. One hundred and eight cup of white noodle (misoa) and red egg as a symbol of luck, long live, and fortune are given to the Earth God. Candle light, lampions, and smell of incenses accompany the followers of all age gathered in front of the altar, pray the mighty god asking for His blessings for a better life in the future.<br />
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Photo & Text : Ismar Patrizki (Antara)<br />