Being an officer is the ideal for all Indonesian National Army Taruna-Taruni (TNI) who undergoes education in the Marine Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java. The history, AAL has been established since 1951, which was formerly named the Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (IAL). AAL a Governor of the Navy Academy, has a very strategic role in preparing the human resources of the TNI AL officers.

The AAL educational system is part of the TNI educational system and national educational system so that the AAL educational process must adhere to the two systems. In the first year, education began from integrative education at the Risk of Chandradimuka Academy of TNI between Taruna Akmil, AAL and AAU for a year, which includes the basic education of kemiliteran, the education of the soul of the kematraan and basic education.

Furthermore the kopral kopral Taruna undergoes a mural education in the TNI Academy of AL (AAL) for three years, which in the second year rises the level to Sersan two Taruna undergoes the basic education of the corps for a year. And rising the level in the third year became Sersan Major Two Taruna that undergoes the continued education of the Korps base. The fourth year’s release rises to the level of Sersan Major One Taruna undergoes Korps’s education.

A number of attributes from Taruna Korps Server at the Risk of Taruna Academy of Marine Force (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruni runs towards the building of Salahutu before the cruise in the Marine Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

Inside the AAL, at the level of Sersan two Taruna determined Korps and a study program that will be in line; Yakni Korps Pelaut, the study program of Marine matra defense; Corps Teknik, prodi on the engineering of war ship machinery; Electro Corps, prodi electronic engineering of war vessels; Korps Suplai, prodi logistics management and marine matra finance, and Marine Corps, prodi management of marine matra defence aspects.

Starting in 2013/2014, AAL receives Women’s Taruna (Taruni). They are also prepared to be the superior TNI AL Perwira in character, academic, as well as skills, and fellowship in various Corps. Taruni on the first force exists in the 62th and 63th force, as many as 21 people divided in each AAL Corps. 11 people of the Taruni in the Corps Server, five people in the Electro Corps, and four people in the Suplai Corps.

All types of education are intended to print a new generation of TNI AL which is reliable in running state tasks with a reliable technical capability and a mumpuni patriotism soul.

The Taruna rushed to bring uniform in Messs Academy of Navy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruna and Taruni ran in the Sea Force Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

Photo and Text: M Risyal Hidayat

The number of Taruna eats together in the Hadiwinarso room, the Sea Force Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruna and Taruni applicants followed the learning of the war vessel simulator in the Sailing Department, the Marine Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruna and Taruni made warming before military martial learning in the Marine Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Teen Schoolgirl graduates of the Navy Academy (AAL) following the release tradition in the AAL Complex, Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

People taruna Academy of Navy (AAL) jumping towards the sea disela-sela practice practice (Lattek) Sea Survival in Makoarmatim, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of the Sea Force Academy Taruna (AAL) erel-yel before entering the class in the AAL Complex, Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruna intestinals carried out eating in the Hadiwinarso room, the Sea Force Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The Taruni people put the head cover before eating in the Hadiwinarso room, the Sea Force Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

AAL, Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Sea Force Academy taruna (AAL) passes one of the obstacles in the training of the crossroads in the Earthmoro AAL Complex, Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Sea Force Academy taruna-taruni (AAL) incorporated in Genderang Seruling Gita Jala Taruna showed the blessings in Parade Surabaya Juang in Surabaya, East Java.

The number of Taruna and Taruni with various tenue posing in the Marine Academy (AAL), Bumimoro, Surabaya, East Java.


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