The post-highlight moment at Dompu rice fields turns into a horse racing track or horse racing. This event only occurs once a year. The dry rice fields are deliberately made luminous in the way of flaming the river and draining the water to the simplified for the crossing area of the racing. Pacoa jara this time is different from horse racing in dry and hard tracks that routinely held twice a year.
The height of animo from owners or pehobi horse racing to compete spread not only from the city area or districts in Sumbawa Island (Western Union, Large Sumbawa, Dompu and Bima), but also spreads to Lombok Island and Sumba in East Nusa Tenggara. These horse racing gifts are diverse, ranging from cattle animals to motorcycles.
Not to lose from the raced on the dry race track, the class or category of horses that are raced in this mud horse race consists of several levels. Starting from the so-called class TK A, TK B, OA, OB, Hope A and B, Tunas A, B and C, to the Adult Class A to E. Categories are determined based on age, height and horse teeth.
A number of owners prepare his horses at the start when the pacuan title of the Dompu mud (pacoa Jara) in the paddy fields of the New Monta Village, Woja Subdistrict, Dompu District, NTB.
Pemilik brought his horse to start when the title of the pacuan of the Dompu mud (pacoa Jara) in the paddy field which lumpur New Monta District, Dompu District, NTB.
Regardless of the child’s joki issue that excludes recent times, the race that became tradition and culture in the region continues to increase its participants. In 2023, according to Faith one of the horse management from stable or Marine Wind cage, the jara pacoa held in the New Monta region, Woja District, Dompu District was followed by hundreds of horses a variety of stables from two provinces. Even racing horses that fight there is a number of regional heads or officials in the NTB provincial territory.
According to the owner and hobbies of Yosan racing horses, horse racing in Sumbawa Island is assessed to be a tradition or culture of sportive and constructive. Yosan who currently specializes as a lecturer was once also former cilik joki. He assessed the pacifier of mud horses held during this week, can build the spirit of brotherhood and friendship of horses among horses and also with joki, family and society around the race arena.
While from the economic side, according to one of the surrounding pacuans of mud horses add financial turnovers in society. Starting from a small joki honor that ranges in the number of Rp100ribu per once the tanding, empowers food traders, beverages and souvenirs, parking lot, sailing tents of participants and horses, to workers in the crossing arena.
The stalk waiting for the beginning of the slurry of Dompu (pacoa Jara) in the New Monta, the cherry pest.
Photo & text : Ahmad Subaidi
Editor : Puspa Perwitasari