There is nothing interesting from the group of Kerbau Rawa (Bubalus bubalis carabauesis) in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency (OKI) and Banyuasin Regency. However, this is one of the national assets of seven native rumpun kerbau belonging to Indonesia. In the province of South Sumatra, this kerbau-kerbau is known as Kerbau Pampangan, because of its spread only includes the OKI District Sub-district and Banyuasin Regency Hair Substance which is the breed of the kerbau swamp.

The cartilage has a distinctive feature with its very thick and fluffy skin with large heads and long ears as well as horns tend to be circular in the back direction. The body shaped elbow back with calm temperament and relatively disease resistant. Kerbaua can also find food in water. There are several types of kerbau swamps that are in the village of Banyuasin Regency. The usual cartilage that has a black color, Kerbau Rawa belang which has two colors in the body is black and white (the price of the adult belang Kerbau can reach Rp60 million), and the Bule Rawa Kerbau that has reddish white color.

The use of this kerbau livestock is mostly as a result of meat and only a small part that is utilized as a worker’s livestock. While the kerbau milk is just a side production when the kerbau is breastfeeding. The community of Pampangan and several districts surrounding are also not used to consume fresh milk produced by kerbau swamp, because of its unwelcomed nature. In the area there is also no result processing technology as fresh milk such as pasteurization and packing. The taste of kerbau milk and the high fat content also causes people to less invail. Therefore, the production of kerbau milk in South Sumatra is more in the form of processed results such as 'gulo puan', 'sagon puan', kerbau oil and 'dadih'. However, the results of the processed from the milk of the kerbau are the popularity increasingly in line with the marak of processed products from cattle.

A farmer dried the Pampangan kerbau to the cage in the Hair Subdistrict, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

The number of Pampangan kerbau escapes the cage to seek eating in the middle of the swamp, in the District of Hair, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

Just like other kerbau, this pampangan kerbau feed is very easy, the wild grass is available throughout the year in the swamp area. Kerbau Pampangan is traditionally preserved, which is in the evening held in a group, while during the day of the day is leaned in the swamp area.

This livestock population from year to year continues to have a decrease. Until today the population of this Pampangan kerbau is estimated only living 3.623 tail.

There are three factors that cause a decrease in the Pampangan buffalo population, namely the maintenance management that has not supported optimal animal productivity, the availability of inadequate males, and the occurrence of excessive livelihoods. Responding to the local government prepares a variety of programs for the development and preservation of Pampangan kerbau between other regional governance policies and regions that are in the development of kerbau, the provision of means-prasarana, the implementation of artificial insemination and natural mating, scientific studies by involving academicians, training programs and coaching to agricultural groups, as well as local community empowerment through the undergraduate program building villages.

Ribuan kerbau pampangan submerged in the middle of the swamp, in the Hair District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

The number of Pampangan kerbau is looking for a meal in the middle of the swamp, in the District of Hairan, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

Photos and Texts: Nova Wahyudi

The number of Pampangan kerbau is looking for a meal in the middle of the swamp, in the District of Hairan, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

The number of Pampangan kerbau is looking for a meal in the middle of the swamp, in the District of Hairan, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

As a breeder of milking kerbau prone Pampangan in Hair District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

The farmer pours the milk of the Pampangan kerbau to the bottle in the Hair District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

Seekor kerbau Rawa Pampangan is a type of locust seeks to eat in the middle of the swamp, in the Hair District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

Seekor kerbau swamp Pampangan entered into the cage in the District of Hair, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.


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