School Entry Kitchen for stunting cegah

Determination of cookware that blends and the sound of the fire lie from the gas stove adds the crowd of the atmosphere of the morning. Visible a number of men snork snork smiling vegetables and pouring water into milk powder. It is a picture of the military kitchen atmosphere that was founded by Kodam II/Sriwijaya in the State SD page 118 Palembang, Sumsel.

The kitchen was established as an effort to help the local government in lowering the stunting figures named the School Inlet Kitchen. The program launched since 22 September 2023, which was the form of concern and commitment of Kodam II/Sriwijaya in helping to improve nutrition and health in children and prevent stunting towards the future generation of healthy and intelligent nations.

In addition to lowering the stunting figures, the program also helps the school children who have a less economic level in the environment of residence, and foster the sense of love of the land, the insight of nationality and state vessels since early.

Tent used TNI AD soldiers to cook when the implementation of the school entrance kitchen program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Prajurit TNI AD cooking food in the tent established on the State SD page 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Every week, the school held by the TNI AD soldiers has always changed and to reach schools in the suburban region of Palembang.

In supporting the event "Dapur Enter School", Prajurit Bekangdam II/Sriwijaya prepares 300 packs of five healthy food perfectly through the House Kitchen that was established. The perfect five-healthy four-healthy food package consists of rice, know, tempe, peas, red bean chicken sop, fertile and milk distributed for 1 and 2 SD grade students.

Based on the data from the Indonesia Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) the number of stunting prevalence or tengkes in South Sumatra experienced a drastically decreased from the last one-year period, namely in 2021 stunting figures in South Sumatra reached 24.8 percent. Meanwhile, in the year 2022 decreased significantly into 18.6 percent.

Prajurit TNI AD cuts vegetables when the implementation of the school entrance kitchen program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Dua soldiers TNI AD sorts food menu during the implementation of the school entrance program in State SD 118 Palembang, South Sumatra.

The school entrance is not only in Palembang alone, the program is also carried out in a number of areas of Sumbagsel, in Lampung Province, Bengkulu, Jambi and Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) conducted by Five Corem and 32 Kodim in the way to come directly to schools.

In the presence of the School’s Incoming Kitchen Program, it can inspire and motivate the people’s components to care and prepare the inside helps cope with the occurrence of bad nutrition in the surrounding environment.

Photos and text : Nova Wahyudi

The number of elementary school students (SD) antre to take food when the implementation of the school entrance program in the State SD 118 Palembang, South Sumatra.

The food presented when the implementation of the school entrance kitchen program in SD Negeri 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Siswa Primary School (SD) drink milk and eat food during the implementation of the school entrance program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

The number of TNI AD soldiers helps students take food during the implementation of the school entrance program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Puluhan Primary School students (SD) eat together when the implementation of the school entrance program in the State SD of 118 Palembang, South Sumatra.

The members of TNI bring food to students during the implementation of the school entrance kitchen program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Siswa Primary School (SD) brings a tray containing food when the implementation of a school entrance program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

The number of elementary school students (SD) eat food during the implementation of the school entrance program in the State SD 205, Kertapati, Palembang, South Sumatra.

Editor : Puspa Perwitasari


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