In the most part of Mimi Rasinah’s life is dedicated for the preservation of Cirebonese topeng (mask) dance. From a modest house in Pekandangan Village, Indramayu, West Java, she passes the topeng dance tradition, which now less popular.<br />
Mimi Rasinah is already well knowed as a maestro of Cirebonese topeng dance. She have performed her dance not only from one stage to another stage, but also outside the country. In her eighties, Mimi Rasinah still hold the same spirit. Although a seizure limited her movement, Mimi Rasinah still enthusiastic when she heard traditional music. <br />
On March 20th, this topeng dance maestro fascinate audience by her gracoius hand. On that day, Mimi Rasinah was asked to perform Panji Rogo Sukmo dance with her grand daughter Aerly Rasinah. The dance itself is a symbolic of pasiing through a legacy. Mimi Rasinah still charismatic in her topeng dance costume. She proved herself to be a maestro. Her great spirit conquer all the physical limitation. Time can decay her body, but not her spirit.<br />
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“Long live Mimi Rasinah”<br />
Photo and Text by Ismar Patrizki (Antara Photo)<br />
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