Located a kilometer from Temanggung-Kandangan highway, Central Java, a bamboo garden is sucked into traditional markets under the name of the Papringan Market (bamboo garden, pring = bamboo).

Market held every 35 days once (on Sunday Wage) it sells culinary products, crafts, and agricultural outcomes of Caruban residents and surroundings.

Through this Papringan Market, the manager wants to lift local products that are natural, specifically for culinary sold in the Papringan Market does not contain MSG (monosodium glutamate) or artificial dyes and sweeteners.

Road pointing board made of Bamboo tampah towards the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

Children helps to fight in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

A number of menus are also explored from the rebung (young herbs), such as soto papringan, do not know the papringan, gablok pecel papringan, all smell the papringan because of the exploration of the rebung.

One unique thing in the management of the Papringan Market, which is in transaction not using Rupiah money, but the bamboo or pring coins. Coins provided, namely one pring break, five pring, ten pring, and 50 pring. One pring is equivalent to Rp1.000.

The choice of Papringan based on bamboo plants has a long history, bamboo plants since the beginning was worn by the village community since it was born until the people died. Bamboo into household appliances, agricultural equipment, even home construction.

The Papringan market manager takes the Pring Currency Various bursts in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cages, Temanggung, Central Java.

Sales serve buyers in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

Currently bamboo becomes the attention of many parties, because she grows very quickly, produces oxygen much more, there is no disease, sowing soil, and for water conservation.

The manager hopes to provide economic benefits, joy and benefits for natural, social and cultural sustainability. Await to recall the glory of the people’s markets with a natural traditional feel.

Photo and Text: Anis Efizudin

As a type of tradisonal sambal sold in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

Children helps to fight in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

The arrival of the genedong serving buyers in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

Visitors exchange money with Pring currency in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

The visitor saw wooden radio sold in the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cage, Temanggung, Central Java.

Sales wait for the trade in the corner of the Papringan Market, Dusun Kelingan, Caruban, Cages, Temanggung, Central Java.


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