“I want the coffee pack. Kulo nggih purun pack, coffee. (I also want to pack, coffee)
“Wonten redirects coffee kerso barges?” (there is what coffee wants?)
“Kulo damelke coffee is nggih, sekedap.” (I made coffee all yes, soar)
Bripka Hartono uses the office vehicle to the location of Ngucur Pak.
Bripka Hartono prepares the need and fixture for coffee drinks before running the program of Ngucur Pak.
Once a piece of a conversation that sounds when Bripka Hartono met residents on Sunday morning around the housing of residents in Lebo, Rod Regency, Central Java. With its modified national motor as it is worth a coffee vending cart, members of Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Kota Rod began to brew coffee and share it to citizens.
What is Bripka Hartono is one of the efforts of police listening to aspiration from the bottom. The program named “Ngucur Pak” or Ngopi Curhat along Pak Bhabin began since July 1, 2023 in order to build police harmony with citizens while absorbing public information and complaints.
Mr. Ngucur Pak ran various people's activities, ranging from weekend work, goling post, young children's hangover, community events to the mangkal online ojek driver.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono prepares coffee cart before leaving the program Ngucur Pak.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono brewed coffee for citizens when Ngucur Pak in the housing of Lebo citizens, Rod Regency.
A wide range of people’s curls are accommodated by Bripka Hartono. Start the aduan of public street lighting lamps (PJU), traffic light, premanism supervision on the street, up to the honest of the online ojek driver. Bripka Hartono is open and with a patient listens to various complaints one by one.
The senada colored coffee cart with Bhabinkamtibmas motor vehicle was deliberately stamped Bripka Hartono photo images and phone numbers. "From the phone number that I showed in the cart, the community so recorded for their personal needs. From situlah I get the information about the people that I can sambangi and also listen to various aduans," said Hartono.
The Ngucur Pak program is held periodically and continuously to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere and conducive for residents. This bareng advice is in line with the role of police as a protector, servicing, and public servants.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono (center) with his colleagues Aipda Dadan (right) presents coffee drinks to the citizens in the hawker of the net-clean-cleaning environment.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono (canan) prepare coffee drinks for residents when Ngucur Pak in residents' housing in Cepokokuning, Rod.
Photo and text : Harviyan Prime Putra
Bripka Hartono (second right) with his colleague Aipda Dadan (right) heard the prosperity of citizens.
The AKP Sapto Winengku City Rod (left) with Bripka Hartono (right) combined with a tactile straightener when Friday Curhat in At-Taqwa Mosque, Lebo, Rod Regency, Central Java.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono followed the Mapolsek City ceremony.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono submits a mailbox file to citizens in the Mapolsek of the City Rod.
Anggota Bhabinkamtibmas Bripka Hartono employs the task of the police file in the Mapolsek City Rod.
Editor : Prasetyo Utomo