16 years old, every day the first week after the sun’s turning point north towards south (the month of June in the masehi calendar), the Lamba’s Ngertakeun ceremony was implemented. On 2024 this, the time in question was coincided by Sunday, June 23rd. The location specified according to the record in the Kabantenan Prescription, is the place of the khalis to keep his purity, namely the Jayagiri region on the foot of Mount Tangkuban Parahu, West Java.
The Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony was initiated in 2008, starting from the Sunda indigenous people’s journey to Baduy tribes to meet the loneliness and convey that there are three mountains in the West Java region, namely Gunung Gede Pangrango, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, and Gunung Wayang.
Jaro Canoli Wenda Hermawan brought sesajen in the procession of Ngalung during the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony to Ratu Kawah Ratu, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, Subang District, West Java.
Panitia ngertakeun ceremonies of the lamba prepares the dupa before the ceremony of Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park.
Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba is a tradition that is adhered to the Sunda community in the form of rituals of customary ceremonies which is carried out to purify the mountains, as well as give you a special gratitude to nature. In addition, Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba also is the oldest ideals and paths in one of the parts of Sanghyang Siksa Kanda Ng Karesian (1440 Saka/1518 Masehi), a script written in the reign of Prabu Jayadewata or Sri Baduga which contains instructions in society life.
Before Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba, the first ceremony conducted in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu is known as Kuwera Bakti Dharma Wisundarah. In the past, Kuwera Bakti is a large eight-year-old ceremony organized by the Sultan of Pajajaran Kingdom. Meanwhile, Wisundarah is taken from Wi (puncak), Sunda ( teaching/Gunung Sunda), and Rah (ruhani) who implies hope to head the top of Sunda’s collapse.
The Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony is held every year and raised different themes. Each theme refers to the phenomenon of the year’s marker. On 2024 this, Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba brought the theme "Kuwera Bakti Jala SuTrah Nusantara ".
The ceremony of Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba prepared a sesajen before the ceremony in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park, Subang District.
The process of the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony followed various tribes and religions in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park.
This ceremony is a momentum of intersuku, race, culture, and religion for together reveals the feeling of gratitude to God that is Most Esa because it has made the universe as sustaining life. The gratitude is expressed in symbols, ceremonies, ceremonies of mantra, sacred music, body movements, and articulations inspired by the various messages on the order, enlightenment, teaching, knowledge, policy, skills, and wealth, inherited the ancestors of this nation. The celebration will be the diversity of this culture to build a tolerance and harmonious attitude.
Jaro Canoli ceremony Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba, Wenda Hermawan, said, this ceremony is not to inspire food and not also to indemnify God. This ceremony is a symbol of Sunda people in the mountain section to provide the homage and gratitude to nature as edible and what is taken. Therefore, society held a procession "Ngalung" food and drink to the Queen’s Kawah base in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu to remain provided safety and wellbeing through the universe.
Photo and text : Raisan Al Farisi
Dupa was planted near the tree when the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony took place in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Park, Subang District, West Java.
Masyarakat adat assembled a plural that contains a sesajen during the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park, Subang District.
Masyarakat custom sunda fires on the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Park.
The charm of foreigners followed the ceremony of Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park.
Masyarakat Dayak followed the ceremony of Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Park, Subang District, West Java.
Masyarakat not cheered the watch to take to Ratu’s Cratulations on the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony in Gunung Tangkuban Parahu Nature Tourism Park.
Masyarakat adat held prayer together before Ngalung procession during Ngertakeun Bumi Lambadi Kawah Ratu ceremony, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, Subang District, West Java.
Masyarakat is preparing to follow the procession of Ngalung during the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony at Ratu Kawah Ratu, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu, Subang District.
Jaro Canoli Wenda Hermawan followed the procession of Ngalung by throwing a sesajen during the Ngertakeun Bumi Lamba ceremony at Kawah Ratu, Gunung Tangkuban Parahu.
Editor : Fanny Octavianus