Pelopor conservation in the heart of the world’s coral reef triangle

The head of the Friwen Village, the Wawiyai Crane struck tifa along the mothers who brought the tray contains a salary.

Consumable salary above the tray is cigarette, pinang, coin money, yellow rice and the fish are delivered to the church to be carried out so that the survival of the Kakes custom ceremony that marks the laying of the ship's maze system or Mooring System.

In the shortening, starting to be obliged by walking around 500 meters to the village Friwen pier so that the ship's handsome system is smooth.

Photo of the atmosphere of Mioskun Island, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat Daya.

The amount of salaries served in the church in Friwen island, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat Daya

Approximately 12.30 local time, dozens of officers managed to launch two tambat labuh units weighing 430 kilograms to sea base near Mioskun island at a depth of 44 meters and Friwen islands at a depth of 48 meters from Landing Craft Transportation (LCT) ships which are part of the stages of the Raja Ampat Mooring System (RAMS).

The launch activity of the ship labyuhbat system (Mooring) first time in Indonesia who to be for ships with size not more than 700 gros tons (GT) is a collaboration between the West Papua Provincial Government, the Indonesian Raja Ampat and Conservation Foundation to prevent coral reef damage in the world’s coral triangular conservation area located in West Papua Daya other than the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and Papua Nugini.

The Mooring installation is also balanced in the case of the cruiser of Caledonian Sky sized 4,280 GT that hit the coral reef around the Mansuar Island in South Misool District, West Papua Daya on 4 March 2017.

The Minister of Village Friwen Crane Wawiyai (the middle) prepares a salary on the island of Friwen, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat Daya

The Minister of Manners of the village Friwen Crane Wawiyai (left) graying tifa when will fight a salary in the Friwen waters, Raja Ampat, West Papua Daya

In order to protect 1.700 species of coral reefs in Raja Ampat conservation area of 1.9 million hectares,  it requires 107 unit tambat labuh, so that the preservation of Raja Ampat’s natural is set by UNESCO as a world geopark can be preserved.

The underwater paradise Becoming tourist attraction to explore 300 underwater tourist spots with biodiversity, such as 553 coral species, 1.661 fish species, four species of turtle, 14 species of marine mammals, seven species of dolphins, six species of whales and one species of mermaids.


Petugas Jaga Laut made patrols in Papuan power

Photo and text : M Risyal Hidayat


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