Trip to the ocean explorer

Deru sea waves and wind hembus sibling the displacement of dusk beams into the markers of the parent landing post officers and the handling of egg turtles to move immediately. They are ready to welcome special guests that are green turtle (Chelonia mydas) that will stop at the peak time of laying on the coast of Pangumlian Beach, Sukabumi, West Java.

In June-July, the early time began in the future. The coastal area of Pangumwari along 2,300 meters it becomes one of the green turtle landing places.

The amphibious animal has a navigation system that allows maintaining directions to the location of laying wherever is. Turtles, the samudra explorers up to thousands of kilometers will follow the tradition of the cycle  the life of his life, back to the coast of the beach to lay in the place where it is aligned or first known to the sea.

Green turtle landing trail (Chelonia mydas) before laying at Pangumlian Beach.

Green turquoise (Chelonia mydas) conducts a laying process at Pangumlian Beach.

Upon arrival at the beach, the turtle will seek a safe laying place from the predator. The shredder will make the hole to put the egg. After completion, the parent then closes back holes and leave the eggs to be harvested by nature.

Guna ensures the rate of egg success becomes a new individual, conservation officers have an important role by moving the eggs to the prevailing place.

The egg hatch through two systems is with natural and semi-natural. Natural hatches are egg turtles left on the original/natural nests, around the nests are agaried with bronjong to hatch into a tukik.

The poultry appoints green turtle egg (Chelonia mydas) in the athlete hole.

Green turtle egg cultivation (Chelonia mydas) in the Seruming Conservation.

While hatching with a semi-natural system, egg turtle from the original nest/alami was taken one by one egg turtle by the officer and put into the container, then brought to the place of the hatching that has been provided.

Penetrating egg turtle to become a tapic usually takes time between 45-60 days. After hatching egg then tapik moved a room with a adjustable temperature. Baby turtle then undergo a acceleration to be more resistant to predators and life in the sea. The acceleration process lasts for 12-14 hours, then tapic is directly released.

In addition to being a turtle conservation area, Pangumwari Beach is also an educational ecotourism area. There are various supporting facilities including spaces, quarantine rooms, enlightenment rooms, laboratories and six parent landing posts. In addition, there is also a deletion of mice or infant continual turtle and scheduled.

Bayi green turtle (Chelonia mydas) mapping in the hatching room in the Conservation of the Enrichment.

The poultry conducts regular inspection of green turtle conditions (Chelonia mydas) at the Conservation of Turtles.

The Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP) stated the turtle to be one of the marine biota that plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem. The existence of the conservation area of Pantai Pengumwari is the collaboration of the government and society in the effort to maintain, secure and supervise the conservation of the turtle for the next generation.

Photo and text : Henry Purba

Wisatawan runs in the Conservation area of Pangumwari.

Wisatawan saw green turtle inside the turtle conservation space in Pangumwari.

The poultry brings baskets containing tapic or baby green turtle (Chelonia mydas) before released on Pangumlian Beach.

Tukik or baby green turtle (Chelonia mydas) runs towards the coastline when released on the coast of Pangumlian.

Tukik or baby green turtle (Chelonia mydas) to the offshore of the bow is released on the coast of Pangumlian.

Editor : Saptono


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