In a narrow gang in the Northern Caucas, South Jakarta, looks bright scenery with the bustle of the morning. A number of people seem to carry a garbage stack that has been sorted according to its type to be deposited to the Budi Luhur Waste Bank.
Budi Luhur’s Waste Bank was established in 2014 which started from the determination of sincere determination in maintaining nature. Under the touch of the hands and guidance of the founder of Umi Tutik Asmawi this place becomes more than just the trash bank but it becomes the sorrow of hope for the environment in the middle of the trash pollution.
Starting from citizens who are loyal customers collect non-organic dry wastes such as plastic bottles, bottle caps, gallons and cardboard, and then bring them to the waste bank. Each part of the waste that has been sorted is weighed by teliti and valued Rp1.000 to Rp11.000 per kilogram according to the type of waste. The result is then noted in a simple saving book and converted to rupiah by a waste bank officer.
Customer crosses at Budi Luhur Waste Bank.
The number of customers weigh garbage in the Budi Luhur Waste Bank
Until now the garbage bank has reached 4,000 people. At least customers can collect savings between Rp50 thousand to Rp100 thousand per month. However, the money is not the only rezeki that they can type from the sadness of sorting and saving waste in that place. Behind the figures, Umi Tutik also makes an interesting program that saves waste to gold, where the balance of the savings will be exchanged with gold provided by the shopper.
In addition to providing the advantages of the economic side, the trash bank also transmits knowledge about how it should manage waste. Everything is a valuable lesson about love in the environment. Gradually those who come there began to realize that every plastic trash, glass bottles, paper and so on is a responsibility for the environment.
In a month, the waste bank managed to collect 50-60 tons of garbage from 39 locations in Jakarta. The remaining collected is not left in vain. Thanks to the skilled hands of the residue is able to be processed into high-value crafts and useful, for example to be a wall clock and a keychain.
There is bringing garbage in the Budi Luhur Waste Bank, Jakarta.
Sampah plastic before weighing in Bank of Budi Luhur Waste, Jakarta.
To run the trash bank Umi Tutik assisted three young volunteers from the students who live their tasks with a passion and a driver that is not only driving but also working in a sense.
With the program run through the trash bank is targeted to increase the interest and awareness of society to utilize non-organic waste as one of the sources of income while maintaining sustainable environment.
Photo and text : Rivan Awal Lingga
The state of carrying garbage in the Bank of Budi Luhur Waste, Jakarta.
Allah shows savings and gold books from saving waste in Budi Luhur Waste Bank, Jakarta.
Author : Nyoman Budhiana
Sampah plastic before processed at the Bank of Budi Luhur Waste, Jakarta.
Umi Tutik Asmawi poses above the pile of trash bags on the Bank of Budi Luhur Waste, Jakarta.
The work brings the sacks containing plastic waste to be recycled into craft materials at the production house of Budi Luhur Waste Bank, Tangerang.
Working drying plastic bottle garbage at the production house of Budi Luhur garbage bank, Tangerang.
The work shows the results of handcrafts made recycling garbage at the production house of Budi Luhur garbage bank, Tangerang.