Having physical perfection is the identity of every human being, but not all humans have a chance to have physical perfection. Stop their life wheel? Of course not. They are humans having passion and dreams in living. In the world of sports that excludes perfection and physical strength, they can still be able to demonstrate the advantages in the middle of the lack.

The spirit of people with limitations, is facilitated,tuna, or the defects that want to be indicated by the participants of the National Championships of Athletics Disabilities (BPOC) July 2010 and in the Manahan Stadium, Solo, Central Java. Hundreds of athletes are facilitated from 19 prevailing propintions to point the ability in through 137 running numbers, throws, and jumps according to the conditions of athletes.

Ironically, the medals they receive on their achievements are just the medal “semu”. The Organizer only records the achievements above the belaka paper, for the reason of limitation of funds. But it does not reduce the spirit of athletes to compete, proved by a number of Asian Paralympic Games records and the successful National Disability Sports Week.

Although many achievements were sowned, there is no hingar-bingar audience who welcomed him, the row of benches in the nyaris stadium without content. The biggest motivation for athletes is disabled is just the glory in the crossing and field. Only in that way they can go home with the head of the upright as a citizen who has the ability to evoke the name of the nation and the country.

Photo and Text: Andika Betha Adhikrisna


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