Aceh is known to have a fertile soil structure and sufficient rainfall make the growth of the cannabis plant (cannabaceae cannabis) grow well. Since the growth of the marijuja fields is always present and scattered in the mountain forest in a number of districts in Aceh and become the problem of the Police. The Government of Aceh itself has targeted Aceh to be free from marijuja plants in 2015, but there is always illegal activities to plant marijuanas in hidden fields in forests.

The operations of the jungles in the forests in Aceh continue to be passed by the police assisted by the TNI teachings. Police and TNI AD often carries the destruction of the field of marijuja. In each operation, the officers often find dozens of hectares of fields, also to go through the gardeners who are harvesting the marijuana.

In a combined operation in the plantation area of Teupin Rusep, Sawang District, North Aceh, some time ago, the officers found a large field with a ready harvesting plant. In the operation of the officer dissolves and burns all crops that are ready to harvest, dislike the middle seedlings, destroying the ly prepared seedlings also burn the husks where the sword keeps the plant.

The Police Personel traced the mountain area of Teupin Rusep hunted the field of marijuja in Sawang District, North Aceh District, Aceh Province.

Personel Police Armed Completely decreased the crater of Teupin Rusep mountains in order to hunt the field in Sawang District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

Throughout this year 2016, the Aceh Regional Police has told as much as 13.2 tons of dried marijuana and held a 426,5 hectares of marijuana fields. Local governments are also gencars doing socialization so that the community during this planting marijuja, immediately switching planting other productive plants because where there are activities against law.

Photo and Text: Rahmad

The old marijuja ready to sprinkled police officers in Teupin Rusep garden area, Sawang District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

Personel Police dressed the mountains in Aceh District, Aceh District, Sasep

Puluhan thousand seedlings intensively located the Police apparatus in Teupin Rusep, Sawang District, North Aceh District, Aceh Province.

Polisi Lady dissolved young ganja rods in the garden area of Teupin Rusep, Sawang District, North Aceh, Aceh Province.

Personel Police found a separan field ready to harvest in Teupin Rusep mountain slope area, Sawang District, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province.

Personel Kepolisian dissolved the ganja stem ready harvest in the Teupin Rusep mountain district, Sasepwang District, North Aceh District, Aceh Province.

North Aceh Province of Teupla Aceh.


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