Sore in Pariaman, West Sumatra, 5 Muharram dates, 11 December 2010, the samer-samar sounds from the distance. The king of the war, two nagari children are arguing towards the east and north.

They carry bamboo poles bonding panji-panji and torches, other rocking (shaving) " Mini" grey; while the Gendang Tasa grayers are so excited, so the dentuman dentuman "Gandang Tasa" (gendang baga) is more likely to make a festive party of the breed.

Tabuik Pariaman Cultural Party welcomes the month of Muharram 1432 Hijriyah has started, and Pariaman also delighted to welcome the annual celebration.

The ambasador originated from the Arabic language which means ‘circle’ or ‘coffee’. While the celebration of Tabuik is a ceremony for tragedi commemorates the death of Husein (Cucu Nabi Muhamad SAW) on 61 Immigrations who coincide with 680 Masehi.

And the warnings evolved into a tradition of annual cultural parties for the Pariaman community to now, which is characterized by hoarning, observing and fighting the tabuic or keranda and the symbols of tragedi died of the prophet's grandchildren to the sea.

The procession of Tabuik Culture Party takes place from 1 to 10 Muharram, which is guarded with " Soil" continued with "The branch of Pisang " Rod;. Then "The food of the panja" (jari-jari), meaning the fingers laid on the tools called the panja. Fingering is an activity of bringing the imitation of Husein’s fingers that are chopped in the Carbala war. Furthermore, "The saroban " food;, symbolizes magnitude and respect to a leader.

The process continues to proceed until the peak at 10 Muharram, where the two tabuik was worried and stirred that depicted the food of Karbala diiring the sprinkle of the gendang baga and the cheek of the visitor, even they joined the rhythm of the gendang.

Then when the sun sinks, the two Tabuiks were thrown to the sea.

Text and Photos: Iggoy el Fitra
