In the month of maulid or 12 Rabiul awwal some keraton in Cirebon commemorates the birth day of the Prophet Muhammad SAW by holding the long tradition of Jimat. One of the traditions that are still attached to the guardian’s land during the celebration of muludan inherited by Syeikh Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung Jati.
Thousands of people from a variety of areas to Kanoman’s Keraton to pick up blessings in the celebration, performing various rituals such as baths in the crowded well, taking the former water of the heritage objects to do a sikeman to Sultan XII Prince King Muhammad Emirudin.
The length of the arrival itself is the process of purifying the heritage objects that exist in the keraton, originating from the long word (big ceramic driver) which is interpreted where a large and Jimat container (diaji/rumat) which is interpreted to learn and secretly return the teachings of the islam through the symbols of the law objects.
A number of baths in the wells of glory when waiting for the procession of Pelal Long Jimat.
The number of people rest in the keraton ward waiting for the Pelal Night procession.
The Peak of the Long Jimat event is the Pelal Night that began with the Iring-iring Family Keraton and abdi dalem brought the thirst of the alite langgar through the Siblanong lawang with the narration of the prophet shalawat towards the agung langgar and continued reading web shalawat Barzanji.
For the majority of society, the length of Jimat is a resurrection on the purity and teaching of Islam from the birth process of the Prophet Muhammad SAW inherited the Sunan Gunung jati as a spread of Islamic religion in Cirebon soil.
Photo and Text: Dedhez Fencinga
The number of abdi dalem conducts the process of washing Rice Jimat.
The people take the water of the pastry of the Rice.
The number of abdi dalem conducts the process of washing Rice Jimat.
The number of abdi dalem prepares the fruit that will be carried when the long Pelal procession of Jimat.
The people do a residence to Sultan King Emirudin.
The number of abdi dalem prepares the Length to be carried to the Great Langgar.
One of the heritage objects that will be carried on the procession of Pelal Night.
The abdi dalem women's a candle when the procession of the Night of the Pelal Pajang Jimat.
The abdi dalem women's incisions brings the pusaka objects when the Pelal Night procession of the Jimat Night.
Three abdi dalem sits under the panji of the symbol of Macan Ali.