Under the heat is danced thousands of people from the inside and outside of the city has gathered in the Sendang Plampeyan, Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java. When the Friday Salad two mountains of the Lanang and Wadon cakes are lowered to the Sendang Plampeyan plate to be carried out.
As a result, as many as five tons of apem cakes are spread by the Managing the relics of Ki Ageng Gribig from two tower buildings and people who have waited since the morning is required to get it. They believe that they will get a blessing if they successfully get a cake known as ‘Apem Yaa Qowiyyu’.
Tradition spreads ‘Yaa Qowiyyu’ is a tradition of descending findings that Jatinom people do, Klaten, Central Java to swim a Muslim religious latitude in Jatinom, Ki Ageng Gribig, held every Friday in Sapar in the Java’s conceiving.
A mother cooking apem cake for the preparation of the tradition of Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The people are arranging apem cake when making the Apem Yaa Qowiyyu mountains in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The procession of the spread was guarded about the mountains of apem, Gunungan Lanang and Wadon was estimated to surround the village and stop in Jatinom’s Great Mosque to be indulge overnight before the next day was spread to the community.
According to the history, the first time the origin of the apem cake was brought Ki Ageng Gribig from Mecca as a confusion of haj as a hand fruit for children, grandchildren, and his followers. But because it is not enough then Ki Ageng Gribig fulfils his wife to make a crude cake back to share to her citizens and followers at that time.
The ‘Yaa Qowiyyu’ speech originated from the relics of prayer “Yaa qowiyyu, Yaa Aziz qowina wal muslimin, Ya qowiyyu warsuqna wal muslimin” which means ‘Yes God, provided the power to us as a Muslimin’.
A number of abdi dalem Keraton Surakarta followed the procession of Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
A number of abdi dalem Keraton Surakarta followed the procession of Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
Until now the tradition is still carried out by local communities as a form of maintaining the tradition of the ancestors and to add the historical knowledge of the spread of Islamic religion in Java for young people.
Photo and Text: Aloysius Jarot Nugroho
The number of citizens hunt Mount Apem Lanang and Wadon surround villages in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The number of citizens hunt Mount Apem Lanang and Wadon surround villages in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
A number of citizens made apem cake sold when the tradition of the Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
A number of citizens carry a mountain of a proprieved from Jatinom’s Great Mosque to be spread when the tradition of the Apem Ya Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The number of messengers from the Managment of the relics of Ki Ageng Gribig pray before doing the spread of the Yaa Qowiyyu Apem in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The mother of citizens anticipate the spread of apem cake when the tradition of the Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
A number of people called a prop cake that is spread when the tradition of the Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.
The mother of citizens anticipate the spread of apem cake when the tradition of the Apem Yaa Qowiyyu in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java.