For East Java, Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Lirboyo, established since 1910 and located in Kediri City, East Java is one of the largest Islamic religious educational centers in Indonesia.
The tens of thousands of santris originated from various regions in Indonesia, come to Ponpes that are more known as the traditional educational pattern to study and profound the Islamic religion.
In the month of Ramadan, Ponpes who used to be famous and used as the adverts of the penyamun become one of the destinations for the santri or those who want to intimate Islam during the month of Ramadan.
Santri prepares the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo, Kediri, East Java.
The santri people cross the hostel wall Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
While educational activities are not like on the day usually, in the month of Ramadan, this santri is more spending time with a nasty, sometimes they only sleep about two hours a day.
As reported by Wahyudin (27 years) origin of Trenggalek, East Java, in the month of Ramadan she was more spending her time to review the Yellow Book from the morning to night after the date, sometimes she was asleep at the time of nasty due to fatigue.
For him living in Ponpes it is fun. Every day they do joint activities either eat, bath, sleep, nasty or departing for salat.
The amount of santri crosses on the Complex page of Ponpes Lirboyo.
The number of santris the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
At that cottage, they live in a grouped hostel based on the origin area. A spacious room about 4 meters x 3 meters is inhabited by about 20 coconuts even more.
In the month of Ramadan, they can sleep linger than the day usually because some santri chose to return to the village of his page and the majority chose living in the cottage.
However, their courage remains preserved and has the same hope as religious science that they can be taught to the community in his hometown.
Santri Nasty the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
Santri Nasty the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
Photo and Text: Karu Zabur
The number of lunch santries together in the Complex Dormitory Room of Ponpes Lirboyo.
The fruits of the disclaimed santri in the complex hostel of Ponpes Lirboyo.
Santri prepares the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
The number of eating coconuts together when unsatisfactory in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
Santri Nasty the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
The number of santris the Yellow Book in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.
The number of santri poses in the complex hostel of Ponpes Lirboyo.
Santri Wudu in the Complex Ponpes Lirboyo.