What is your mind if you hear Egyptian words? Perhaps the top two answers are the Pyramid and the Nil River. Unforgettable if both are important for Egypt and is the milestone of history and development of the Egyptian nation.

Pyramids become a cultural and ancient Egyptian civilization showcase that lasts 3,000 years of SM. Pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the world. The charm of Piramida is an Egyptian tourism flagship, which is a magnet to attract tourists from around the world.

While the Nil River is the world’s longest river, which flows along 6.650 km and splits no less than nine countries: Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan and of course Egypt.

The atmosphere of Piramida Agung Giza tourism area.

Deretan souvenirs and costumes of the typical abdomen of Egypt.

Despite crossing several countries, but the Nil River is identical to Egypt. This is because Egypt is highly dependent on the Nil river than other countries, not solely in economic problems, watering and agriculture, but also in civilization problems.

The civilization of Ancient Egyptians began from the plains around the Nil. No wonder the ancient Greek historian Herodotus mentioned that Egypt was the administration of the Nil river. The Nil River also listed in the holy web, the story of the Prophet Moses when the baby was inserted into the coffin and chopped in the river.

Egypt is about 997.739 km of extreme temperate square and gersang. The majority of its population, nearly 99 percent settled on the Nil Riverside. Most lands are part of the uninhabited Sahara desert. Meanwhile, the majority of the population of Islam and the rest adhered to the Christian Koptik.

The driver spur the bus on the toll road in the middle of the desert outside the city of Cairo.

The number of dancers appear on the stage of a "cruise ship" that leans above the Nil River in Beni Suef area.

Egypt covers the Sinai Peninsula regarded as part of the Western Asia of Power, while most of its territory is located in North Africa. Egypt has an important geopolitical location on the Asian-African border, where there is a Suez Command that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean, through the Red Sea.

Despite being located at the north end of Africa but the life of his society is more feel like in the Middle East. The culture and dailyness of the society is closer to the Middle East culture, including language, culinary wealth, religious and political wealth. For example the attitude of Egypt who joined the Middle East country such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Libya and the United Arab Emirates that breaks diplomatic relations with Qatar.

Photo and Text: Andika Wahyu

The number of people enjoy the night atmosphere in the Khan El-Khalili area.

Wisatawan photographed above the unta in Piramida Agung Giza tourism area.

Warga keeps his own livestock on the street of Cairo city.

Warga runs above the crossing bridges of people in Cairo.

There are sailing in the Nil River in the central area of the city of Cairo.

The fighter organizes the fruit of the semangka in the suburbs of Cairo.

Photo aerial keeps Suez (Suez Canal) next to the west of the Sinai Peninsula.

Photo city atmosphere of Cairo.

The number of cars and motors are collected in "junkyard" in the suburbs of Cairo.

Wisatawan enjoys a five-star hotel located right next to the Nil River in the central city of Cairo.

The location of Piramida Agung Giza tourism area.


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