The morning, dozens of TNI soldiers AL prepares the release ceremony of KRI Dewaruci cruise in Dermaga Ujung Koarmatim, Surabaya, East Java.

The broadcaster is a special voyage for KRI Dewaruci because it was attended by eight former commanders and a number of high officers to hold a second-second ceremonies of the 72 RI Independence in the ship’s deck.

The ceremony will be held in the Java Sea precisely on August 17, is the ceremony commemorates the independence of the RI that was first held in the 64-year-old KRI.

Prajurit TNI AL encouraged KRI Dewaruci to sail to Jakarta in Dermaga Ujung Koarmatim, Surabaya, East Java.

The preparation ceremony for KRI Dewaruci cruise in Dermaga Ujung Koarmatim, Surabaya, East Java.

In the ceremony, Panglima Armatim Laksda TNI Darwanto became the inspector of his ceremony and followed about 70 participants consisting of the former commander KRI Dewaruci, Perwira High cross-stress in AAL, civil society and ABK KRI Dewaruci.

At that occasion, they also hold sarasehan, the former commander of KRI Godruci share stories about his experience when sailing around the world with this ship.

In addition, they also discuss the future of KRI Godruci that some time forward will be replaced by KRI Bimasuci as a trainer for the prospective officers in AAL.

The preparation ceremony for KRI Dewaruci cruise in Dermaga Ujung Koarmatim, Surabaya, East Java.

ABK people blow the whistle when the KRI Godruci screen is lowered in the Java Sea.

Most of them argue that KRI prides in Indonesia will remain sailing until the end of his hayat. Although there is also the opinion that KRI is better to become a means or trainer for students or communities who want to learn about the crowd.

This special broadcaster is reached for two days from Surabaya to Jakarta since August 15, 2017.

Photo and Text: Karu Zabur

ABK climbs the pole to stretch the KRI Godruci screen when sailing in the Java Sea to Jakarta.

Panglima Armatim Laksda TNI Darwanto (right) along the TNI AL soldiers respected to the white red flag when the 72nd Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in KRI Dewaruci on the Java Sea.

the Godruci statue at the end of KRI Godruci.

Lambang Garuda Pancasila on the KRI Godruci display pole when sailing in the Java Sea to Jakarta.

KRI Godruci sails on the Sea of Java.

The ceremony of the Independence of the 72 RI above the KRI Godruci geladak in the Sea of Java.

The atmosphere of the geladi dirty HUT Ceremony to the 72 Independence of the RI in the KRI Godruci geladak in the Java Sea.

The ceremony of the HUT to 72 Independence of the Republic of Indonesia above the KRI Godruci geladak in the Javanese Sea Waters.

Prajuriit TNI driving KRI Godruci when sailing the Sea of Java.


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