Mushroom ping ches,

Kang chinatur patternh curriture,

Tanpo tutur katula-tula says,

The ambience of the class of macapat at Krida Mardhawa, Yogyakarta.

Disposable classes in Krida Mardhawa School, Yogyakarta.


Kapatuh pan dadi awon.

The macapat tembang sounds vegetablesup-sayup from the lawas building at the end of the Rotowijayan street, west of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The afternoon dancing light breaks from the window glass, illuminates a small room sized 3x4 meters in a blooming or the school of the Mardhawa Krida Mardhawa standing since 1960.

Disposable classes in Krida Mardhawa School, Yogyakarta.

Bacaan of macapat in the School of Macapat Krida Mardhawa, Yogyakarta.

Macapat is a traditional festive or poetry of Java. Each temple has a row of sentences called gatra, which has a certain number of syllables (the hawkers), and ends on the final sound called a song teacher.

In Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat was originally stuck only to meet the needs of King’s and relatives. During the time, during the reign of Sri Sultan HB VII to abdi dalem keraton is allowed to learn to get stuck.

Now the school is applied to all walks of society, does not see strata, origins, and ages without charge.

Disposable classes in Krida Mardhawa School, Yogyakarta.

Kanjeng Mas Tumenggung Projosuwasono as a lecturer for Krida Mardhawa School, Yogyakarta.

The School of Krida Mardhawa applied three class groups, namely the Alite Sekar (skiller class), the Middle Age ( middle class) and the Agentg Sekar (main class).

In the macapat, the flow of human life is passed. Starting from birth (Mijil), children (Kinanthi), adolescents (Sinom), falling in love (Asmarandhana), marriage (Gambuh), her sweet marriage (Dhandanggula), his feeling of life struggle (Durmo), became old (Pangkur), died of the world (Lead), buried (Pucung) and waiting for the court of God (Maskumabang).

The saratus of life and wiseness of the culture of Java. As they do participated in the school, to conserve macapat to the next generation and still grow in the impression of the teachings in the culture of Java.

Abdi dalem follows the faculty class or read and write aksara Java in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Abdi dalem follows the faculty class or read and write aksara Java in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Photo and Text: Hendra Nurdiyansyah

Abdi dalem follows the faculty class or read and write aksara Java in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Abdi dalem follows the faculty class or read and write aksara Java in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Kanjeng Mas Tumenggung Projosuwasono as a macapat viewer in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.

Abdi dalem follows the faculty class or read and write aksara Java in the complex library of Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.


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